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How to boost student performance?

An investment in education pays the best. = Benjamin Franklin
Education is the key to a secure future and much more. In today’s knowledge-driven world most of the manual jobs are being replaced by machines making our lives easier and freeing up much of our time, allowing us to pursue what we like. That could be learning and building robots or studying literature. With time this trend will continue. Many more services and manufacturing jobs will be done, and human will invest more time in doing what they like. While there are plenty of research results telling us education provides us a better life, but still, students do not always give enough importance to education as they should. Cost of education is one factor to keep students away from higher education but that is not only education.
Completing any program is not a sprint, it is sort of a marathon in my opinion. And not all of us are full-time students, we study while we live our lives, we work and take care of other necessities. So it is not always easy to make the class assignment the top priority. But, as Olympian trains for years and years so that s/he can take part in a sport that would last a few minutes or hours, education is sort of that. We need to practice until we reach our goal which is completing the program. There is no short cut. We need to be focused and always keep reminding ourselves, once we finish higher education how our lives would change. It would open so many doors for us. Not only that, once we finish the program our self-esteem, confidence goes up which would be beneficial in the future. A better paying job is always better and promises a career path that takes you higher in life. College grads made 56% more than high school grads in 2015(Rugabar, 2017).
Now, we all know procrastination is bad yet we all procrastinate. We need to defy this inertia and work on our assignments. With work, family, and friends we already do not have much time left for studies, and then the social media and all those texts eat away the rest of our times. So how to get time to study? Maybe early morning works best for you or late night, in case the student is a night owl. The student needs to pick a time when s/he can shut out other priorities, and during the time study should be the only priority. Making a plan and sticking to it is most important to get things done. There will be interruptions, but putting studies in backburner is not an option. Once the student falls behind, it becomes difficult to catch up. It is best to stick to the timeline.
While at college one meets like-minded people, makes friends for life, but it does not end there.  As an institution, the success depends on students’ success. So it is should the institution's mission to help each student succeed.  
Helping them follow their passion could be a great point to start – each student is different with different strength and weaknesses. Mentors and teachers can find out the strengths and weaknesses and help each student choose what they should study, keeping in mind that they would need to have a career path in the future.
During studies, regular follow up to check if the student is falling behind, or if he/she needs help is another to help. Often a student loses focus, bringing the focus back on track is important for both the teacher and the student.
Financial aid is another way to help students. Many students come from a weaker financial background if the institution can help the student with a scholarship that will be a great help and great motivation too.
Evaluation of the student is important too because what he/she is learning and how well he or she is learning that is important. Moreover, if he /she needs to do better that can be found out from regular tests.

Rugabar, C (Jan 2017). Pay gap between college grads and everyone else at a record. Retrieved from


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